A few neurologists from Kerala, who happened to meet at a conference in Chennai in 2001, decided to constitute a forum to promote friendship and academic activities among their fraternity in the state. Thus was born the Kerala Association of Neurologists (KAN). Their first academic programme was organized in Cochin in 2002.
Since those early days, KAN has steadily grown to have a present membership of over 100, and growing. It is a registered society with a set of byelaws, a totally transparent system of finance and functioning, and audited accounts.
A CME program is conducted twice in a year based on a contemporary theme. This is coupled with the AGM.
The annual neurology teaching course for postgraduate trainees is conducted in the month of January every year. In which eminent faculty and postgraduate trainees from all over the country.
An international neurology update (Monsoon Summit) is conducted once every two years, where Speakers of national and international repute are invited to deliver lectures.